Category: testing

Amazon’s Prime Air can officially begin drone delivery trials in the US

[ad_1] “This certification is an important step forward for Prime Air and indicates the FAA’s confidence in Amazon’s operating and safety procedures for an autonomous drone delivery service that will one day deliver packages to our customers around the world,” David Carbon, an Amazon vice president, said in a statement. Amazon is not the first […]

Abbott’s 15-minute, $5 COVID-19 test gets FDA authorization

[ad_1] Abbot Laboratories It’s an antigen test, as opposed to the slower lab-based PCR testing that has kept people waiting hours, days and weeks for results, and uses a lateral-flow approach similar to home pregnancy test kits. According to the Mayo Clinic, antigen tests work by detecting certain proteins specific to this virus, and work […]

Blue Origin team delivers full-scale lunar lander mockup to NASA

[ad_1] Blue Origin and its “National Team” partners Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Draper have delivered their full scale lunar lander mock-up to NASA. The space agency will use the engineering prototype to simulate how it could get “crew, equipment, supplies and samples off and on the vehicle” in future moon missions, according to the […]

Google asks FCC for 6Ghz spectrum for ‘confidential’ broadband testing

[ad_1] Google has asked the FCC for permission to conduct secret wireless broad tests using the 6GHz spectrum in multiple cities across the US, according to a document spotted by Business Insider. It wants to run “experimental propagation testing in the 6GHz band” to see if the frequencies can provide “reliable broadband connections,” the redacted […]

Hype and hope: Wearables in the covid era

[ad_1] Enter the ring When players arrive to Disney World’s “Life inside the Bubble” — tentative date July 30 — to restart the NBA basketball season, they’ll be met with a buffet of futuristic gadgets they can voluntarily use to prevent and detect the deadly coronavirus. These gadgets include wearable proximity alarms that beep when […]

UK will begin testing its COVID-19 tracking app this week

[ad_1] As previously reported, the UK will break from the Apple-Google “decentralized” approach. Instead, the NHS’s technology group NHSX chose a centralized model, in which a list of contacts made via Bluetooth signals will be stored on users’ devices as anonymous tokens. If a user has symptoms or tests positive, the contacts can be submitted […]

Lab-in-a-box test can detect COVID-19 in 5 minutes

[ad_1] The key is its use of molecular testing that looks for a small section of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ RNA and amplifying that segment until there’s enough to detect. Other testing methods can take hours or days to produce viable results. Abbott is in the midst of ramping up production and expects to deliver 50,000 […]

Alphabet’s Verily shows how its drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites work

[ad_1] First, Verily asks that you complete an online screener. If you qualify for a test, you’ll get an appointment time. When you arrive, you’ll check in and show your license through your closed car window. Then, staff will match your ID with a lab kit and attach the info to your windshield. You’ll drive […]