Category: throttling

You can now apply for your $25 iPhone ‘batterygate’ compensation

[ad_1] According to the website’s FAQ, “Apple will provide a cash payment of approximately $25 per eligible device.” But before getting too excited about getting money from the company, keep in mind that Apple has agreed to pay a maximum of $500 million as part of the settlement. Depending on how many people file for […]

Apple gets early approval for $500 million iPhone throttling settlement

[ad_1] According to Apple, the throttling was meant to extend the lifespans of phones by reducing the chances of sudden shutdowns as phones’ batteries degraded over time. The company didn’t initially explain the practice, however, leading some to believe it was trying to pressure customers into buying new phones (which reportedly happened in some cases). […]

AT&T and FTC settle lawsuit over data throttling

[ad_1] The case very nearly didn’t go forward in the first place. An appeals court effectively tossed the lawsuit in 2016 on the grounds that AT&T’s common carrier status exempted it from disclosing its throttling activity. In 2018, however, a federal court decided that the FTC could proceed with the case after noting that AT&T’s […]

Study finds US carriers aggressively throttle video streams

[ad_1] To compile their findings, the team of researchers behind the report spent a year collecting data with the help of some 126,000 participants in 183 countries across the globe using a platform called Wehe. In all, they sampled 1,045,413 data points, with some 650,000 coming courtesy of Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint subscribers in […]