Category: tribeca 2019

A virtual cave got me excited about the future of social VR

[ad_1] Parallux’s chief creative officer Kris Layng said, “We came up with this idea for Cave, which we thought was the solution to a lot of problems that are in this emerging industry right now.” The first issue: You can’t scale in VR experiences yet, he said. Existing systems aren’t capable enough to handle the […]

‘Hardcore History’ host Dan Carlin wants you to relive WW1 in VR

[ad_1] Carlin’s penchant for drama and storytelling is obvious from the start of War Remains. After donning a VR headset and backpack computer, I took a step forward and found myself in the basket of a hot air balloon. I peered over the edge — all the while holding onto the straw basket in real […]

An AR film explores the worst tech companies could do with your face

[ad_1] In the festival’s Arcade section, which is full of eye-catching installations and people wearing headsets, Stealing ur feelings is easy to miss. It consists simply of a 46-inch display mounted onto a pillar in the middle of the aisle separating the exhibits in the long rectangular room. There’s a camera above the screen and […]

Fable’s ‘Wolves in the Walls’ VR is about more than virtual reality

[ad_1] Lucy, and the technology behind her, are Fable’s true focus now — interactive virtual beings that you can interact with across AR, VR, phones and just about every other computing platform. The first episode of The Wolves in Walls, which premiered at Sundance last year, was Fable’s initial push towards this concept. But the […]