Category: trump administration

China’s supercomputers are the latest target in US trade war

[ad_1] The Commerce Department has reportedly issued export restrictions that cut five major Chinese supercomputer developers off from US technology. According to the new rule, the firms have been “acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.” The developers include Sugon of Beijing, three of its affiliates and Wuxi […]

EPA finalizes Trump administration’s coal-friendly climate plan

[ad_1] The Trump administration hopes its plan will support rural communities that rely on coal industry jobs. ACE gives states more authority to set emissions reductions standards and claims it will promote investment in “clean coal.” Like Obama’s plan, ACE aims to cut carbon pollution from the power sector by around 30 percent from 2005 […]

Google warns banning Huawei could increase security risks

[ad_1] In accordance with the “national emergency” declared by the Trump Administration last month, Google cut Huawei off from potential Android updates. Huawei responded saying that it could launch its own operating system, which has been in the works for years, as early as this fall. While the Trump Administration did grant a 90-day window […]

Commerce Dept. grants Huawei a 90-day license to help existing users

[ad_1] Last week the US Commerce Department added Huawei and 68 subsidiaries to its “Entity List” that bans it from doing business with US companies without a special license. Today, as anticipated, the Commerce Department loosened that restriction a bit with a temporary 90-day license. According to Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce, it “will […]