Category: Trump

White House calls on Supreme Court to rule on Trump’s Twitter blocking

[ad_1] The case was first filed by Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute in July 2017, and has since kicked off both a protracted legal battle and a wider conversation about the nature of the president’s Twitter account. About a year later, Judge Naomi Buchwald of New York’s Southern District ruled that President Trump’s ceaseless […]

White House budget proposal would hike AI and quantum funding by 30 percent

[ad_1] It’s not surprising why the US would devote more money to these efforts. US Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios stressed that the country needed to be “winning and leading” not just in present-day technology, but also that which would “define our future.” It’s concerned that countries like China might claim an edge, and the […]

TikTok may sue White House over ban as soon as August 11th

[ad_1] The company declined to comment on the possibility of an impending lawsuit, but did acknowledge beliefs the order was issued “without any due process” and “no substantiation” of the security allegations. TikTok might not have as much trouble contesting the ban as you might think. While Trump used the International Emergency Economic Powers Act […]

Hackers defaced dozens of Reddit communities with pro-Trump messages

[ad_1] If your favorite Reddit community looked like a political billboard on August 7th, you can blame it on hackers. Both Motherboard and ZDNet report that hackers defaced dozens of subreddits with pro-Trump messages, including major subreddits like r/food and r/space as well as numerous communities devoted to sports and TV shows. The affected communities […]

TikTok will pursue ‘all remedies available’ to fight White House ban

[ad_1] The justification for the ban given by the White House was a “national emergency with respect to the information and communications technology and services supply chain.” The administration is also concerned that TikTok “automatically captures vast swaths of information from its users, including internet and other network activity information such as location data and […]

Trump’s threat to ban TikTok might be legal, but it’s super shady

[ad_1] The answer to that question is a resounding, “well, it’s complicated.” But before we jump into that legal briar patch, let’s take a quick look at the company that has so effectively managed to raise the president’s ire. If you don’t know what TikTok is, go ask literally anybody under the age of 30. […]

Instagram ‘bug’ heavily favored Trump content over Biden for months

[ad_1] The Tech Transparency Project first noticed the bug and believes that it has been in effect since at least June. “What we’ve seen with the related hashtags with Biden is that there is so much vitriol, that it appears to be benefitting President Trump,” director of the Tech Transparency Project, Katie Paul, told Buzzfeed […]

White House withdraws FCC commissioner renomination

[ad_1] The Trump administration has changed its tune about backing what was supposed to be Mike O’Rielly’s third term as an FCC Commissioner. According to Reuters and Bloomberg, the White House has withdrawn O’Rielly’s renomination and has notified the Senate on Monday. While the administration didn’t say why it’s no longer nominating O’Rielly for another […]

Trump says TikTok has until September 15th to sell US operations or close

[ad_1] “[Microsoft] is committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury,” the company said in the blog post. If the deal goes through, that would result in Microsoft acquiring TikTok operations not just in the US but also Canada, […]