Category: Trump

The Trump Administration just revived the Cold War-era Space Command

[ad_1] “The dangers to our country constantly evolve, and so must we,” Trump said at an event today. “Now, those who wish to harm the United States, who seek to challenge us in the ultimate high ground of space, it’s going to be a whole different ballgame.” The revived Space Command was first established by […]

Trump tries to overturn ruling stopping him from blocking Twitter users

[ad_1] “Public officials who address matters relating to their public office on personal accounts will run the risk that every action taken on that account will be state action subject to constitutional scrutiny,” according to the filing. The challenge may face an uphill battle. In the earlier ruling, Circuit Judge Barrington Parker noted that @RealDonaldTrump […]

Google employees don’t want it to work with US border agencies

[ad_1] Citing recent events such as the death of seven immigrant children while in US custody and the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, the petition argues Google should not work with CBP, nor the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). “We demand that Google publicly commit not to support […]

Huawei lays off two thirds of its US research division

[ad_1] An employee still employed at Futurewei told Reuters that work ground to a halt after the ban took effect. This still leaves roughly 1,200 Huawei employees in the US, although most of them are involved in customer support, public affairs and the supply chain. Moreover, the company’s American ranks have been shrinking ever since […]

Trump’s ‘Social Media Summit’ was a celebration of conspiracy theorists

[ad_1] “A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies,” Trump tweeted. “We will not let them get away with it much longer.” While Trump didn’t mention Facebook and Twitter by name, it’s not hard to figure out who he […]

Federal appeals court rules Trump can’t ban critics on Twitter

[ad_1] It’s not yet known if Trump and the Justice Department will try to escalate the appeal, although that appears likely. The White House has maintained that Trump’s personal account (the one he uses most often) isn’t covered by the First Amendment like an official account would be, and that muting Twitter users wouldn’t be […]

The White House’s social media summit may not include Facebook and Twitter

[ad_1] The sources said the summit would not be a serious attempt to discuss issues like privacy or security, but rather “would amount to a right-wing grievance session.” Supporting this assertion is the fact that right-wing commentators who have complained of anti-conservative bias and censorship on social media have been invited, as reported in the […]

Trump to lift some restrictions on Huawei as part of China truce

[ad_1] The change of heart leaves Huawei highly restricted. It’s still on the Commerce Department’s Entities List, preventing it doing business with US companies unless there’s explicit government approval. Trump said the US would decide on removing Huawei from the list later, and noted that there was a meeting to discuss the subject on July […]

EPA finalizes Trump administration’s coal-friendly climate plan

[ad_1] The Trump administration hopes its plan will support rural communities that rely on coal industry jobs. ACE gives states more authority to set emissions reductions standards and claims it will promote investment in “clean coal.” Like Obama’s plan, ACE aims to cut carbon pollution from the power sector by around 30 percent from 2005 […]

Huawei trademarks its own mobile OS following US ban

[ad_1] Meanwhile, Huawei has made its feelings about its ban clear in an ex parte memo to the Federal Communications Commission. The letter, published this week, condemns the decision to ban the company on the grounds of national security threats, noting that doing so will “do little or nothing to protect the security of America’s […]