Category: Trump

Tariffs are forcing Big Tech to move production out of China

[ad_1] Last month, the US increased import tariffs on certain Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent. If the tariff hike goes through, items like motherboards, smartphones, video game consoles and computers could be subject to the 25 percent tax. At that rate, Nintendo might be forced to sell its consoles at a loss […]

China warns tech firms against cooperating with US trade ban

[ad_1] The meetings reportedly involved three government divisions, suggesting that approval likely came from the highest ranks of Chinese leadership. Officials didn’t mention Huawei by name, but there wasn’t much doubt that the company was involved. Whether or not the threats hold much weight is another story. If accurate, China effectively wants companies to risk […]

China plans list of ‘unreliable entities’ in retaliation for Huawei ban

[ad_1] The Chinese government didn’t name entities or say how (or if) it would punish offenders. There’s a chance this won’t amount to much. China’s economy still thrives on US businesses to some degree, including contract orders and suppliers, and cutting off those partners could lead to serious problems for some domestic operations. It may […]

Google reportedly suspends Huawei’s Android support after US ban

[ad_1] The company is still “internally” discussing which services are going away, the source said. Google would cut off all tech support and collaboration for Android and services, however. We’ve asked Google for comment. If accurate, though, the suspension would represent a serious blow to Huawei’s mobile efforts. Although this shouldn’t dent the company’s Chinese […]

Researchers find Twitter is good for amplifying lies

[ad_1] New @mmfa study: Major media outlets fail to debunk President Trump’s false or misleading statements in their tweets 65% of the time, amplifying his misinformation an average of 19 times per day. — Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) May 3, 2019 The study analyzed more than 2,000 tweets posted by 32 major US news outlets […]

Trump’s 2020 budget proposal cuts the EV tax credit

[ad_1] Before you rush out to buy a plug-in car to score the incentive before it disappears, know that it’s unlikely the proposed budget will pass through Congress. With the House of Representatives currently ruled by a Democratic majority, any Trump proposal is likely to face stiff opposition. Automakers have been lobbying Congress to extend […]