Category: turing award

Pixar animation pioneers win computing’s most prestigious award

[ad_1] Catmull, a computer scientist and former president of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios, and Hanrahan, a founding employee at Pixar, have both been recognized for fundamentally influencing the field of computer graphics. Thanks to them, what were once blocky shapes made from polygons have been transformed into curved surfaces displaying mind-blowing detail. Pixar’s Toy […]

Turing Award winners include AI giants from Facebook and Google

[ad_1] Hinton, for instance, proved that a then-rare backpropagation algorithm could help neural networks solve problems that were previously unfeasible. LeCun was instrumental to developing technologies behind modern computer vision, while Bengio helped foster generative adversarial networks (that is, pitting a creative network against another that serves as a kind of quality control) that can […]