Category: turn-based

‘Yakuza 7’ gameplay trailer reveals wacky features and job classes

[ad_1] It’s clear that Yakuza 7 will play lip-service to RPG tropes. It features multiple job classes, each with its own unique battle style. In the “host” class, you’ll attack with flowers and champagne, while in the “dancer” class, you’ll take people out with breakdancing moves. Your look will change from class to class too […]

‘Dota Underlords’ has more people playing now than ‘Artifact’ ever did

[ad_1] The free-to-play turn-based strategy game is Valve’s version of the mod Dota Auto Chess, and making a game that’s much easier to play without spending money on new pieces is clearly working out. The maker of Dota Auto Chess is working on a standalone game that will be exclusive to Epic’s Game Store on […]