Category: Uk

Uber can continue operating in London after winning court appeal

[ad_1] The App Drivers and Couriers Union (ACDU) has “cautiously” welcomed the decision, but believes London mayor Sadiq Khan should take further action and limit the number of licensed drivers on the platform. “Such reductions, achieved through attrition, are necessary to ensure Uber can comfortably meet its compliance obligations including worker rights whilst giving TfL […]

UK court rules police facial recognition trials violate privacy laws

[ad_1] Facial recognition technology has been implemented on a trial basis in the UK since 2016, both in London by the Met and in South Wales by the SWP. In South Wales, the AI system is notorious for its error rate. In 2018, the SWP was found to have misidentified 2,300 people as potential criminals. […]

Google expands Play Pass to nine countries beyond the US

[ad_1] Almost a year after Google introduced Play Pass on Android, it’s expanding the game and app subscription service outside of the US. It’ll be available in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Spain and the United Kingdom this week. If you’re interested, you can check out Google Play Pass for free with […]

The UK will remove Huawei equipment from its 5G networks by 2027

[ad_1] Back in January, the UK said that “high risk” vendors including Huawei would be allowed to build the country’s 5G network, provided they weren’t “core” parts of it. Clearly, the government has changed its mind. “5G will be transformative for our country, but only if we have confidence in the security and resilience of […]

Google’s true wireless Pixel Buds are now available outside of the US

[ad_1] A few months after Google released its second-generation Pixel Buds in the US, they’re now on sale in some other countries. Folks in Canada, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Singapore and Spain are among those who can get their hands on them from the Google Store. Color availability varies by territory for […]

UK may cut Huawei out of 5G networks this year

[ad_1] The UK had decided in January that it would allow equipment from Huawei and other “high risk” companies in non-core parts of the nation’s 5G networks, limiting their involvement to 35 percent in networks connecting devices and other hardware to mobile masts. Reports later emerged that the UK might phase out Huawei over the […]

The UK buys a 45 percent stake in broke satellite startup OneWeb

[ad_1] The government previously planned to build its own Galileo replacement with the help of other members of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance — Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US. The project was put on hold in May just before the publication of a feasibility study. The estimated cost had risen by then to […]

Disney axes 4K re-release of ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ in UK cinemas

[ad_1] As cinemas in the UK prepared to reopen after lockdown, they promised Star Wars fans a treat. Disney and Vue planned to release a 4K version of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back in theaters. That would have been the first time a UHD version of an original trilogy film appeared in theaters. But […]

European police hacked encrypted phones used by thousands of criminals

[ad_1] Law enforcement agencies began collecting data from Encrochat on April 1st. According to the BBC, the encryption code was likely cracked in early March. It’s not clear exactly how officials hacked the platform, which is now shut down. It’s not unusual for criminals to communicate via encrypted apps and devices. In 2018, the FBI […]

UK contact tracing app may warn you about areas with high infection rates

[ad_1] A Department for Health and Social Care spokesperson didn’t comment on the specific details. Instead, they reiterated the goal of supporting the NHS Test and Trace service. The extras would come alongside a possible new “PPE in your pocket” marketing scheme, and would underscore the challenges the UK faces. Widescale adoption of the contact […]