Category: undersea cable

Facebook ordered to clean up undersea drilling equipment in Oregon

[ad_1] Despite the company’s insistence that the abandoned equipment won’t impact the environment, Oregon Coast Alliance executive director Cameron La Follette told The Oregonian: “This accident, which resulted in Facebook/Edge Cable abandoning equipment and at least 6,500 gallons of bore gel under the seafloor, occurred due to corporate incompetence, combined with negligence and extreme irresponsibility […]

Google’s next undersea internet cable will link Africa and Europe

[ad_1] The Portugal-South Africa portion of the Equiano cable should be up and running in 2021. It’s named after writer and abolitionist Olaudah Equiano, who was born in Nigeria — a likely port of call for an extension of the cable. Google says it has invested $47 billion over the last three years to bolster […]

Google, Cuba deal could bring faster internet to the island

[ad_1] Once the fiber optic cable is in place, Cuban citizens will have faster access to content hosted on Google servers, and the Cuban government will see cost savings. At the moment, ETECSA must pay third-party fees for passing traffic to sites like YouTube, Google Maps and Google and Cuba have a history of […]