Category: universe

Scientists find the universe’s ‘missing matter’ using mysterious cosmic bursts

[ad_1] As such, it’s been a challenge to detect this matter using traditional techniques and telescopes. However, the research team was finally able to locate the missing matter by leveraging the phenomenon of FRBs — brief flashes of energy that come from random directions in the sky and last for milliseconds. Scientists don’t yet know […]

Astronomers observe the brightest supernova on record

[ad_1] In 2016, astronomers spotted the brightest supernova ever observed. They watched as the supernova, named SN2016aps, continued to emit radiation for more than 1,000 days. Today, in a paper published in Nature, they describe how this “extremely energetic supernova” could help them understand the universe’s evolution and the formation of the most massive stars. […]

Discovery shows early galaxies could have very short lives

[ad_1] The findings are “not too far away” from what recent computer models of the universe would predict, but it’s far enough that it could force astronomers to rethink those models and adjust their understanding of the universe’s early days. You might see a more refined model in the relatively near future. The researchers expect […]

Scientists confirm that plasma ‘sloshes’ around in galaxy clusters

[ad_1] The researchers observed two nearby galaxy clusters, Perseus and Coma, and mapped the movement of their plasma. In Perseus, they believe the movement is caused by smaller sub-clusters of galaxies colliding with larger clusters. That produces enough energy to disrupt Perseus’ gravitational field and creates a sloshing motion that researchers predict will last for […]

Supercomputer creates millions of virtual universes

[ad_1] The production of roughly 8 million simulated universes took ‘just’ three weeks. The approach is not only helping to understand how galaxies evolve, but is challenging existing theories. To begin with, galaxies may produce stars for considerably longer than previously thought. Star formation should have ended ages ago under existing models, and dark matter […]

The world’s largest telescope is one step closer to completion

[ad_1] The GMT is an international effort to create a telescope that delivers images 10 times clearer than those produced by the Hubble Space Telescope. When it’s up and running, the GMT will help scientists tackle some of the biggest questions, like are we alone in the universe? It will allow astronomers to collect more […]

Scientists think some supermassive black holes didn’t start as stars

[ad_1] In the most simple terms, the model suggests that supermassive black holes formed “very, very quickly over very, very short periods of time” and then stopped suddenly. “Supermassive black holes only had a short time period where they were able to grow fast and then at some point, because of all the radiation in […]

NASA finally found evidence of the universe’s earliest molecule

[ad_1] NASA used its Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to detect the primordial molecule. The scientists found it in NGC 7027, a planetary nebula (a remnant of a Sun-like star) located 3,000 light-years away. The discovery proves that helium hydride can exist in space, and it confirms theories about the chemistry of the early […]

Watch the first ever image of a black hole be livestreamed here

[ad_1] Scientists have long studied the effects of black holes on the universe, but because of their light-devouring properties, it’s never been possible to capture an image of the so-called event horizon, where matter and energy can no longer escape the hole’s clutches. Today’s ground-breaking image has been captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), […]