Category: university of glasgow

Scientists unveil image of quantum entanglement for the first time ever

[ad_1] To capture a picture of the Bell entanglement, physicists created a system that shoots off streams of entangled photons from a quantum source of light at what they call “non-conventional objects.” These objects are displayed on liquid-crystal materials, which can change the phase of the photons as they move through them. A camera capable […]

‘Unprecedented’ 3D magnetic interactions could change computing

[ad_1] In a paper published today in Nature Materials, a team led by University of Glasgow physicists describe how they were able to pass information from a series of tiny magnets arranged on an ultra-thin film to magnets on a second film below. This new form of magnetic interaction makes a formerly two-dimensional phenomenon three […]

Digital music may not have saved the environment after all

[ad_1] The publicly available data leaves some questions. It’s not clear that the findings account for savings from reduced transportation costs, packaging and other savings that come when the music doesn’t have to physically travel somewhere. This also doesn’t account for multitasking. If you’re listening to music while you’re already at your computer, for instance, […]