Category: usgs

USGS releases first complete geologic map of the Moon

[ad_1] Have you ever wanted to study the Moon’s surface in exacting detail? Now’s your chance. The USGS (with help from NASA and the Lunar Planetary Institute) has released the first complete geologic map of the Moon, providing a truly comprehensive look at our nearest cosmic neighbor. The 1:5,000,000 scale map is color-coded to help […]

California’s statewide Earthquake Early Warning system sent its first alert

[ad_1] According to a project manager quoted by the LA Times, about 40 people received the alert, and it took 8.7 seconds for the alert to go out. In this case, that reached people in the town of Paso Robles, about 22 miles away in enough time to give them about one second of warning. […]

Decades of spy satellite images help track melting Himalayan glaciers

[ad_1] The team also collected historical temperature data to identify any correlations. As for the findings themselves? They don’t look good. Scientists found that the rate of glacier loss between 2000 and 2016, 20 inches per year, was double what it was between 1975 and 2000. And while factors like precipitation and soot (which hastens […]