Category: vaccines

Russia’s ‘first’ COVID vaccine has health officials concerned

[ad_1] The formula, dubbed Sputnik-V in honor of the first satellite to reach space in 1957, was developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute. However, the Institute has not released any developmental or scientific data relating to the vaccine’s creation, nor has it undergone peer review, so all we have to go on is what the Russians […]

How Instagram’s anti-vaxxers fuel coronavirus conspiracy theories

[ad_1] Instagram’s ‘rabbit hole’ problem Like Facebook, Instagram doesn’t ban anti-vaccine content, though the company claims it has attempted to make it less visible to users. The company blocks some hashtags and says it tries to make anti-vaccine content harder to find in public areas of the app, like Explore. Yet accounts promoting conspiracy theories […]

FBI accuses China of attempting to steal US COVID-19 research

[ad_1] Today, the FBI warned that China-backed hackers are attempting to steal COVID-19 research from organizations in the US. In a joint statement, the FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced that they have observed state-backed hackers attempting to obtain intellectual property, data and research related to vaccines, treatments and testing. “The potential […]

Twitter will direct vaccine-related searches to ‘a credible’ source

[ad_1] “We’re committed to protecting the health of the public conversation on Twitter — ensuring individuals can find information from authoritative sources is a key part of that mission,” the company said. Twitter will also block auto-suggestions for queries that might lead to anti-vax commentary and information. For now, the new search prompt can be […]

Facebook will make anti-vaccine content less visible

[ad_1] Facebook’s crackdown on anti-vaxxers won’t just punish groups that spread the information, it will also make them harder to find. Anti-vaccine groups will be excluded from recommendations and won’t come up as predictions when typing in the search bar on Facebook. Advertisements that include misinformation about vaccinations will be rejected, and Facebook is squashing […]