Category: video chat

Zoom is down, everyone stop pretending to work

[ad_1] Despite some controversy and security issues, Zoom has become near-essential in the time of coronavirus, with so many companies moving to remote work. As such, it surely shook workers everywhere when they discovered Zoom was down this Monday morning. Specifically, Zoom’s status page says there are issues joining meetings and webinars, which means that […]

Google Meet for Education will auto-block users who don’t log in

[ad_1] Google Meet for Education wants to prevent “zoombombing.” G Suite for Education meetings will block anonymous users by default, the company announced today. Users will have to be logged in to a Google account to join a call. This should keep trolls from crashing virtual classrooms and school meetings. As you may remember, at […]

Slack video and voice calls will rely on Amazon Chime

[ad_1] Just as Slack reported quarterly earnings, it also announced a new agreement with Amazon. Under the terms of the deal Slack will keep using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its preferred cloud provider — as it has since launching in 2014 — and is shifting its Slack Calls feature to use Amazon Chime. In […]

Zoom usage peaked at 300 million daily participants in April

[ad_1] As the response to the coronavirus pandemic pushed people out of offices and back into their homes, videoconferencing has taken center stage and one of the biggest beneficiaries of the switch is Zoom. Today the company reported its earnings for the first quarter of 2020 and revealed that compared to the same period last […]

Zoom plans to offer stronger encryption to paying customers

[ad_1] If you want your Zoom video calls to be as secure as possible, you may need to pay up. Zoom security consultant Alex Stamos told Reuters in an interview that the company plans to offer stronger videoconference encryption to paying customers, enterprises and institutions like schools, but not to free accounts. He cautioned that […]

Messenger Rooms, Facebook’s answer to Zoom, is now available

[ad_1] Messenger Rooms, Facebook’s attempt to take on the likes of Zoom with group video calls, is now live. Anyone can create a room in Messenger, but only folks in North America can start one on Facebook for the time being. You’ll soon be able to create rooms on Instagram and WhatsApp too. “WhatsApp and […]

How to secure your video calls like a pro

[ad_1] Don’t give up. Because security and privacy nerds around the world have been going through the same thing as you, and we’ve got solutions. They all kind of suck 5m3photos via Getty Images The first thing to understand about the variety of videoconferencing apps is that none of them are great. All of them […]

Zoom’s latest changes to prevent ‘zoombombing’ arrive on May 9th

[ad_1] Zoom is implementing more of its promised measures to bolster security and prevent “zoombombing” by unwanted guests. To start, it recently gave admins the option of disabling personal meeting IDs for scheduling and starting meetings. An intruder who discovers the ID can’t use it to host a videoconference. On May 9th, basic (aka free) […]

Recommended Reading: The life of a dropshipper

[ad_1] ‘It’s bullshit’: Inside the weird, get-rich-quick world of dropshippingSirin Kale, WiredIn Bali, co-working spaces are filled with remote workers looking to make big bucks — and to do so quickly. Through a process called dropshipping, sellers are abl… [ad_2] Source link