Category: Video

AI recreates the painting techniques of famous artists

[ad_1] You can’t go back in time to see how Monet or Van Gogh made their masterpieces, but AI might give you the next best thing. MIT CSAIL researchers have created a machine learning system, Timecraft, that can deduce how a painting was produced and recreate the likely brushstrokes, even for famous artists. The design […]

‘Lost in Random’ is Tim Burton-like adventure game about dice

[ad_1] EA’s next-gen game lineup includes more than just sports updates and spiritual sequels. The publisher and Zoink (of Fe fame) have unveiled Lost in Random, an action adventure with an unusual premise. You play Even, a girl in a stop motion-inspired land (think Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas) where everyone’s outcome is decided […]

Interstellar is still struggling to put private rockets in space

[ad_1] Japan’s budding private spaceflight industry is still struggling, even with some early signs of success. Interstellar Technologies’ MOMO-5 sounding rocket failed to reach space after its launch from Hokkaido early on June 14th. The engine was “manually stopped in an emergency” about 70 seconds into the flight, the company said. Interstellar pinned the flaw […]

‘Deathloop’ brings Dishonored-like stealth action to PS5 and PC this holiday

[ad_1] Arkane Lyon and Bethesda are finally ready to show more of Deathloop than early teasers, and it’s good news if you still miss Dishonored. They’ve shown the first gameplay for the stealth action shooter, which is now slated to come to the PlayStation 5 (as a console exclusive, no less) in holiday 2020. You’ll […]

Apple pledges $100 million to foster racial equity and justice

[ad_1] Apple is joining the chorus of companies promising to address racial justice in the wake of large-scale protests over police violence and discrimination. Tim Cook has unveiled a Racial Equity and Justice Initiative, including a $100 million pledge, that will tackle the “systemic barriers” to opportunity and dignity for people from diverse backgrounds, with […]

Sega classic ‘Alex Kidd’ is coming to modern consoles and PCs

[ad_1] It’s been easy to revisit early Super Mario games, but what if you were one of those rebels who had a Sega Master System and played Alex Kidd instead? Don’t worry, there’s a nostalgia trip in store for you as well. Jankenteam and Merge Games have unveiled Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, a […]

New 3D printing technique could make shapeshifting robots more practical

[ad_1] It just got a little easier to create soft robots that adapt to the world around them. Rice University researchers have developed a 3D printing technique (they call it “4D”) for material that automatically changes to an alternate shape when subjected to an electric current, changes in temperature or simple stress. The team produced […]

IBM toolkit keeps data encrypted in iPhone and Mac apps while in use

[ad_1] It’s now more practical to keep data encrypted while you use it, provided you’re using an Apple device. IBM has released (via ZDNet) a toolkit that makes it easier to implement fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) in iOS and macOS apps. In theory, hackers will have a tougher time prying on certain kinds of sensitive […]

The latest Pokémon short is a an homage to Looney Tunes

[ad_1] The Pokémon Company has uploaded a new video to its official Pokémon Kids TV YouTube Channel, and it’s a throwback — not to the era of the original 151 characters, but to the time of slapstick cartoons. The short features a confrontation between Scraggy and the creepy Mimikyu, and has all the hallmarks of […]

SpaceX’s latest batch of internet satellites includes one with a sun shield

[ad_1] SpaceX is launching another pack of Starlink satellites into orbit at 9:25PM Eastern (weather permitting), but this won’t be a typical mission. As TechCrunch explains, one of the 60 internet satellites in the bunch will test a sun visor that should make the vehicles less of a nuisance in the night sky. If the […]