Category: Virgin Galactic

Virgin Galactic’s last round of SpaceShipTwo tests begins October 22nd

[ad_1] If all goes well, the two tests will be the last before Virgin’s space tourism starts in earnest. It hopes to fly company founder Sir Richard Branson into space sometime in the first quarter of 2021, effectively kicking off the company’s tourist business. Not that you’ll want to rush to the front of the […]

Virgin Galactic reveals its Mach 3 aircraft design

[ad_1] “The design philosophy of the aircraft is geared around making high speed travel practical, sustainable, safe, and reliable, while making customer experience a top priority,” Virgin Galactic wrote in a press release.  Virgin Galactic Next, the company will define specific system architectures and will determine which materials to use in the design and manufacturing […]

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo cabin surrounds you with windows

[ad_1] “It’s a big moment because although the event may be virtual its significance is starting to open space to everyone is very real,” Virgin founder, Sir Richard Branson, noted during today’s reveal. “It is, which has been designed specifically to allow thousands of people to achieve their dreams of spaceflight safely.” “Somebody once said […]

Virgin Galactic appoints former Disney exec as its new CEO

[ad_1] “…we are delighted to welcome Michael as the new Chief Executive to lead Galactic into commercial operations. I believe Michael’s long and distinguished career at one of the world’s leading customer experience brands provides a natural fit with Virgin’s culture as well as Galactic’s requirements as it prepares for commercial service.” Colglazier is replacing […]

Virgin Galactic will livestream its SpaceShipTwo cabin reveal on July 28th

[ad_1] “Ultimately, the interior of the spaceship was designed with one primary goal in mind, and that is to get the perfect view of Earth from space,” the company said in a video announcing the reveal. During the livestream event, Virgin Galactic will also discuss a new digital platform that will bring “immersive versions” of […]

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo completes a second ‘glide test’

[ad_1] Virgin Galactic’s repeatedly-delayed plans for commercial spaceflight are drawing closer, after the company completed another glide test at its Spaceport America HQ in New Mexico. The VSS Unity once again released from its mothership at about 50,000 feet, but went a bit faster this time and reached speeds of Mach 0.85. CEO George Whitesides […]

Virgin Galactic’s spaceship flies from its new home base for the first time

[ad_1] The pieces are finally starting to come together for Virgin Galactic’s space tourism — the company has flown SpaceShipTwo from Spaceport America for the first time. It was just a glide test from 50,000 feet up, but the flight let the spaceport fulfill its intended purpose and gave pilots familiarity with the New Mexico […]

Virgin Galactic will let people hop to the front of the line for tickets

[ad_1] The company didn’t say exactly when those next tickets would be available or how much they would cost, although CEO Gorge Whitesides had warned that prices might climb substantially from the $250,000 for early customers. Virgin is still a long way from courting everyday people, then. The new batch of tickets is believe to […]

Virgin Orbit will launch small satellites for the UK military

[ad_1] The unique feature of the Virgin Orbit program is how quickly a launch can be arranged. Typically, a launch takes years of planning and can only take place from certain sites which access particular orbits. This means that access to a given orbit can never be guaranteed on short notice. However, Virgin believes it […]

Virgin Galactic is moving its spaceship and crew to Spaceport America

[ad_1] The corporation conducted VSS Unity’s first test flight with a passenger onboard back in February, two months after its first ever flight to space. It will now complete the vehicle’s final tests from New Mexico after the company relocates it and its carrier aircraft, VMS Eve, over the summer. One of the flights could […]