Category: virus

Watch the first trailer for Gillian Flynn’s Amazon series ‘Utopia’

[ad_1] Amazon has released the first trailer for Utopia and announced that it will debut on Prime Video on September 25th. Written and executive produced by Gone Girl writer Gillian Flynn, the eight-part series is adapted from a 2013 UK series of the same name. It focuses on a group of youths being hunted down […]

Autonomous robot uses UVC light to disinfect warehouses

[ad_1] The researchers believe the approach could be used to autonomously disinfect other environments, like factories, restaurants, supermarkets and schools. The system is capable of mapping a given space, and it can navigate between waypoints and other specified areas. “As we drive the robot around the food bank, we are also researching new control policies […]

Cyberattack forces Honda to suspend global production for a day

[ad_1] Honda was forced to suspend global production for a day due to a cyberattack that infiltrated the company’s internal servers in Tokyo, Financial Times reports. Honda detected the virus on Monday and was forced to send some employees home for the day as the attack impacted email and other systems in plants around the […]

Stanford, Scripps and Fitbit try using wearables to detect infections

[ad_1] The smartwatch on your wrist might one day be key to containing the spread of viruses like the one behind COVID-19. Stanford, Scripps Research and Fitbit have unveiled an initiative that, if successful, would use wearables to catch the early signs of infection. They’re developing algorithms that would look for the elevated heart rates […]

Microsoft closes all of its stores due to coronavirus risk

[ad_1] The move follows similar from other tech companies, adhering to US government advice to limit gatherings to no more than 10 people. Apple, for example, recently announced it was closing all of its stores outside greater China until March 27th. Microsoft has not specified a timeframe for its store closures. Tech companies are taking […]

Google explains how it’s tackling the coronavirus outbreak

[ad_1] What you don’t see will also matter. Google said it was “working around the clock” to stamp out conspiracy theories and other misinformation, including malware and phishing scams exploiting fear of the coronavirus outbreak. It’s blocking all ads trying to exploit the outbreak while helping the WHO and governments run useful ads. YouTube is […]

The EU just approved a vaccine to prevent Ebola

[ad_1] Ervebo was first engineered by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the US Army more than a decade ago. In 2014, following the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Merck acquired the rights to develop the vaccine. The “conditional marketing authorization” is a type of approval reserved for medicine that addresses unmet medical needs. […]

Auction for a laptop full of malware closes at $1.2 million

[ad_1] Commissioned by cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct, “The Persistence of Chaos“ was created by artist Guo O Dong, who told The Verge that the piece is a way to give abstract cyber threats physical form. It contains viruses like WannaCry, which infected more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries and caused nearly $4 billion in […]

Gene-modified viruses rescue patient from drug-resistant ‘superbug’

[ad_1] The team found three bacteriophages that could be useful (including one from a rotting eggplant) and modified them to maximize their ability to target and wipe out the bacteria strain. Once this was ready, they gave the teen twice-daily infusions as well as surface treatments on the skin lesions resulting from the infection. The […]

Two thirds of Android antivirus apps don’t work properly

[ad_1] In some cases, the failure is a simple one: they’re not really scanning app code. AV-Comparatives found that are just using app whitelists or blacklists, and sometimes very broad ones at that. They may allow all apps whose package files start with “com.instagram,” but it would be trivial to create rogue apps that used […]