Category: voice assistant

Google’s compact, Pixel 4-like Assistant starts reaching older phones

[ad_1] To be clear, this doesn’t include everything you’ll find in Assistant on the Pixel 4. It doesn’t have the continued conversation or screen context features, for instance, and it certainly doesn’t share the new look. Familiar interface elements are still there. This is more to reflect Google’s new approach, which treats Assistant more as […]

Alexa can use smart lights to wake you or lull you to sleep

[ad_1] The features should start reaching American users this week. This kind of control isn’t unique in the smart light world — the Hue app has had features like this for a while. It’s relatively uncommon for voice assistants, though, and it’s much simpler (if not as advanced) to speak a command when you’re going […]

Google Assistant is ready to find your Tile tracker

[ad_1] This works on any Assistant-capable device, although you will need the Tile app on Android or iOS for the initial setup. While Assistant’s support for Bluetooth trackers is still pretty slim (Chipolo is the only other brand we know to work at present), this is still a pretty big addition. You might be more […]

Pandora now works in Spanish on Alexa and Google Assistant

[ad_1] The music streaming service added Spanish support during Latinx Heritage Month — it recently added a station called El Detour to highlight artists at the forefront of Latin music. Along with requesting a song, album, artist, genre or station with your voice, you can thumbs up/thumbs down a track and use the typical playback […]

Google Voice users can start calls and send messages with Siri

[ad_1] It’ll surely be a welcome update for Google Voice users who have an iPhone or iPad, particularly since Siri can learn your calling and messaging preferences, but it leaves the service in a strange place on the voice assistant front. Sure, it works with Siri, but you still can’t send messages or start Google […]

Here’s how Alexa learned to speak Spanish without your help

[ad_1] The first tool studies a handful of “golden utterances” (that is, reference commands suggested by the developers) to learn general syntax and semantics patterns. After that, it produces “rewrite expressions” that themselves create thousands of new yet similar sentences to work from. The system works quickly — you could move from 50 utterances to […]

Google’s Pixel 4 may invoke Assistant when you raise the phone

[ad_1] It’s not clear if this will be enabled by default, or how Google might prevent accidental Assistant use outside of requiring specific timing (will it inadvertently react to an ongoing conversation, for example?). The apparent leak also doesn’t indicate whether or not raise to talk would be available on launch. Other rumored Assistant features, […]

You’ll soon be able to ask Siri to play songs on Spotify

[ad_1] Spotify is finally getting Siri support with iOS 13. You can ask Siri to play songs, albums, and playlists. Here’s how it works: — Tom Warren (@tomwarren) September 27, 2019 On the Apple Watch, on the other hand, it sounds like Spotify and Siri won’t integrate with one another until Spotify releases […]

Food Network’s cooking instruction service lets you ask Alexa for help

[ad_1] You can ask Alexa to find classes, videos and recipes, but you can also use it to navigate and save recipes. That could be more than a little helpful when you’d rather not touch a screen with your flour-covered hands. Of course, you can handle ancillary tasks like setting timers or asking about measurements. […]

Alexa Auto adds offline capabilities that work in tunnels and parking garages

[ad_1] With the new SDK, users can ask Alexa to do things like turn on the AC, tune the radio or make a call — even when connectivity is intermittent or nonexistent. That’s thanks to a “Local Voice Control” extension that allows automakers to add a scaled-down version of Alexa’s cloud-based service to a vehicle’s […]