Category: white house

Judge temporarily blocks Trump’s order banning TikTok downloads

[ad_1] “The government will comply with the injunction and has taken immediate steps to do so, but intends to vigorously defend the [executive order] and the Secretary’s implementation efforts from legal challenges,” the Commerce Department said in a statement. TikTok said that it planned to continue its dialogue with the government, noting that the Trump […]

US considers blocking deals with China’s largest chip maker

[ad_1] SMIC rejected the alleged defense connection in a statement. It insisted that it offers chips and services “solely” for civilian uses, and that it had “no relationship with the Chinese military.” SOS has defended the report and argued that SMIC was “deeply embedded” in military projects. The military links haven’t been firmly established, and […]

Twitter hides another Trump tweet for potentially discouraging voting

[ad_1] We placed a public interest notice on this Tweet for violating our Civic Integrity Policy for making misleading health claims that could potentially dissuade people from participation in voting. — Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) August 23, 2020 Mail-in or drop-box voter fraud is exceedingly rare because of system checks and balances, according to the […]

White House budget proposal would hike AI and quantum funding by 30 percent

[ad_1] It’s not surprising why the US would devote more money to these efforts. US Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios stressed that the country needed to be “winning and leading” not just in present-day technology, but also that which would “define our future.” It’s concerned that countries like China might claim an edge, and the […]

TikTok will pursue ‘all remedies available’ to fight White House ban

[ad_1] The justification for the ban given by the White House was a “national emergency with respect to the information and communications technology and services supply chain.” The administration is also concerned that TikTok “automatically captures vast swaths of information from its users, including internet and other network activity information such as location data and […]

The Trojan Horse in Trump’s anti-Twitter executive order

[ad_1] “The Order would circumvent the role of Congress and of the courts in enacting and interpreting [Section 230] …and purport to empower multiple government agencies to pass judgment on companies’ content moderation practices,” its lawsuit states. “The Order clouds the legal landscape in which the hosts of third-party content operate and puts them all […]

Twitter hides Trump ‘shooting’ tweet for ‘glorifying violence’

[ad_1] Twitter is referring to the fact that Trump’s “looting” comment is a quote from former Miami Police Chief Walter Headley, in charge during the Miami’s 1967 race riots and known for his “stop and frisk” tactics. During the riots, he used the same phrase: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” He’s also known […]

White House said to be in talks with Intel, TSMC for US chip factories

[ad_1] A TSMC spokesperson told the WSJ the company was “actively evaluating” plants in other countries, including the US, but that there was “no concrete plan.” The Department of Defense, meanwhile, didn’t directly confirm or deny the report but said chips were “certainly” a key part of the military’s supply chain concerns. There are a […]

Apple shows a White House coronavirus PSA to App Store users

[ad_1] Tech giants have been displaying prominent coronavirus alerts in various places, but Apple is stepping things up with its latest addition. Users have noticed that Apple is now displaying a White House public service announcement at the top of the App Store for US customers. Tap it and White House Coronavirus Task Force member […]

White House cautions against over-regulating AI in new guidelines

[ad_1] The guidelines instruct federal agencies to “conduct risk assessment and cost-benefit analyses prior to any regulatory action on AI, with a focus on establishing flexible frameworks rather than one-size-fits-all regulation.” Michael Kratsois, CTO of the United States, is expected to formally announce the principles at CES tomorrow. This isn’t the first time the Trump […]