Category: wireless emergency alert

California’s Earthquake Early Warning system rolls out statewide

[ad_1] This system doesn’t predict earthquakes, and after quake’s early this year failed to produce a notification on phones in Los Angeles, the threshold for a warning has been lowered to at least a magnitude 4.5 and Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) of 3, which is similar to a truck driving by outside your house. According […]

California’s statewide earthquake alert system launches Thursday

[ad_1] In Mexico and Japan, warning systems that send out alerts for seismic events have been in place for years, but a similar setup for California has been long-delayed. Finally, on Thursday the first statewide Earthquake Early Warning System will go online. Until now, large-scale alerts have only been available in LA County, where they […]

FEMA’s presidential alerts are an easy target for spoofing attacks

[ad_1] In their paper, the researchers developed and tested a spoofing attack on presidential alerts. They used commercially available hardware and modified open-source software to send messages to nearly every phone in a 50,000-seat stadium with a 90 percent success rate. The vulnerability is due to the fact that WEA alerts use LTE. Alerts are […]