Category: wordpress

Apple won’t force WordPress to offer in-app purchases

[ad_1] As The Verge pointed out, though, the removal of any paid plan mentions may have happened well before Apple froze updates for the app. You couldn’t buy those plans, either, and any references to them were gone before Apple convinced Mullenweg to add in-app purchases. He added that Apple had dismissed earlier offers to […]

Apple apparently blocked WordPress app updates to force IAP support

[ad_1] In yet another example of Apple’s increasingly-strained relationship with developers, WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg tweeted that the free WordPress app on iOS hadn’t seen updates for a while because “we were locked by App Store.” According to his tweet, there was no way for the company to issue updates or bug fixes until it […]

It doesn’t matter if China hacked Equifax

[ad_1] It was a message of PR reprieve for the skinsuits at Equifax, who spend their life cycles profiting from tracking and trading our personal and financial information (and we’re powerless to stop them). Especially now as we’re seeing reports about how four Chinese hackers “took down Equifax.” That sure sounds a lot better (for […]

Phishing scams leveled up, and we didn’t

[ad_1] In case you missed it, on January 22nd The Guardian reported, “Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos had his mobile phone ‘hacked’ in 2018 after receiving a WhatsApp message that had apparently been sent from the personal account of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.” According to the now-contested report by FTI Consulting cited by The […]

Verizon will sell Tumblr to the owner of WordPress

[ad_1] And in case you’re wondering: no, Automattic won’t reverse the ban on adult content. He saw Tumblr as a companion to WordPress and “just fun.” It’s a low-key end to a long, rough chapter in Tumblr’s history. Yahoo bought the site in 2013 for a hefty $1.1 billion, but never really found a way […]