Category: workplace

Facebook creates Workplace Rooms for professional video calls

[ad_1] Last week, Facebook launched Messenger Rooms, a video chat service and potential Zoom competitor. Now, Facebook is bringing video chat to Workplace, its Slack alternative. Today, the company introduced Workplace Rooms, a “virtual meeting space,” where users can host video calls with up to 50 people.  There’s no limit on how long the meetings […]

Tesla reportedly omitted ‘hundreds’ of injuries from government reports

[ad_1] The agency told Bloomberg it couldn’t verify that claim. According to a December memorandum the publication obtained, the 2018 summary data Tesla provided to Cal/OSHA was missing approximately “three dozen” incidents that were documented in its injury logs. In 2016, Tesla’s summary data was missing 44 percent of all the events the company eventually […]

Government reportedly tells Google it can’t ban political talk at work

[ad_1] An NLRB director approved a settlement in the case, according to the report. It should be enacted after an appeals period. Under the settlement, Google will reportedly have to tell workers it has walked back rules preventing them from sharing details such as working conditions and wages with each other or reporters. Engadget has […]

Google’s internal community guidelines discourage political discussions

[ad_1] As you may remember, a couple years ago an anti-diversity screed infuriated Googlers when it argued that Google should drop attempts to include different cultures and genders. More recently, Google has faced controversy over its warning that employees who protest the company at Pride must do so in their personal capacity, and it’s been […]

Facebook’s Workplace redesign looks nothing like Slack 

[ad_1] Workplace groups offer real-time chat and posts with threaded comments. That’s why, perhaps, the rest of Workplace is largely unchanged. The site still has a newsfeed, for instance, steered by the Facebook algorithm. According to McGinn, it gives employees a bird’s-eye view of their company and surfaces content they might not have found on […]