After math: Big Tech gets bigger while AMC’s release window gets shorter



Noam Galai via Getty Images

Trolls: World Tour isn’t the sort of film that one would expect to cause controversy but at the start of the COVID pandemic, AMC and Universal got themselves into a knock down drag out fight over the family film — specifically whether or not it could be released on VOD before its window of theatrical exclusivity closed. Fast forward to last week and the two companies have finally settled their differences. From here on out films will only have to stay in theaters for three consecutive weekends (aka 17 days) before being released on VOD, down from the full 90 days demanded pre-pandemic.



While the COVID-19 pandemic has kneecapped the global economy, it has proven exceptionally lucrative for Amazon. Last week, the e-commerce giant announced that it had doubled its quarterly profits over last year, jumping from $2.6 billion in sales to a whopping $5.2 billion. Apple did pretty well for themselves too.



A whole bunch of EVgo chargers are coming to a parking lot near you in the next five years. The company announced this week that it is partnering with GM to effectively triple the number of charging stations it offers — jumping from a mere 800 locations today up to 3,500 by 2025.


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