After Math: Can’t stop, won’t stop talking coronavirus coverage



With folks expected to stay safe inside for the foreseeable future, a number of companies are stepping up and offering use of their software and apps free of charge for the duration. Apple is the latest to do so, this week announcing that its Final Cut Pro X suite will feature a 90-day free trial rather than the standard 30-day.


Data caps generally shouldn’t be an issue during the quarantine but if you find yourself in a situation where Wi-Fi isn’t readily available, AT&T and Cricket Wireless have a low-cost solution. For $15 a month you can get 2GB of data, unlimited talk and text with no activation fee.

Virus Outbreak California Schools

If you live in California, chances are pretty good that your kids are out of class until at least the fall semester. If you live in LA county, however, that revelation won’t having you pulling your hair out because Verizon (which owns this news outlet) is offering free internet connections for as many as 100,000 LAUSD students so they can continue their studies at home.


A mere 10 days after being tasked with their development, the UK’s Dyson corporation has already finalized the design for ventilators very much needed to help combat the growing COVID-19 pandemic. Now comes the challenge of rapidly ramping up production of the “CoVent” devices and getting them to the hospitals that need them most.


DPA invocation or not, it’s great to see some of America’s largest companies step up and help out coronavirus first responders. Now if only we could convince them to pay their taxes so we can be better prepared for the pandemics yet to come.


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