After Math: It’s sequel season



We knew this was coming, what with the footage leaking earlier in the week. But Blizzard executives nevertheless took to the Blizzcon stage on Friday to confirm that, yes, its massively popular competitive shooter will soon have a successor. From what we saw in the trailer, players are in for a treat with 4-person missions, unlockable abilities and even a few new faces to the game’s already expansive character roster.

NY Premiere of Amazon's "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan" Season Two

You just can’t keep an international man of mystery down. Amazon gave its viewers a decidedly unspooky surprise on Halloween, the second season of its spy drama, Jack Ryan, a full 24 hours early. Bring in the candy bowl and turn off the porch light, it’s time to watch Jim from The Office save America from super-ISIS, or whatever ham-fisted terrorist tropes they’re using this year.


Here’s one throwback that I’m legitimately excited for. The original Razr was the very first cell phone I ever owned (pretty sure I’ve still got it tucked away in a drawer somewhere). Now Motorola is bringing it back for a new generation. Fingers crossed it won’t suffer the same design flaws as the Galaxy Fold.


Even with the Playstation 5 peeking over the horizon, Sony’s current generation console is still dominating the gaming market. The company announced this past week that it has sold a total of 102.5 million units since the PS4’s release, handily beating out anything from Nintendo, Sega or Microsoft. But even with its commercial success the PS4 doesn’t look like it will take the sales crown from the current titleholder, the PS2, which sold more than 155 million units during its production run.


Blizzard is taking us back to Sanctuary, though we know not when. Confirming yet another leak from last week, the gaming company confirmed last Friday that it will soon release the fourth installment of the hack-and-slash RPG. With a seamless world map (read: fewer loading screens), deep character customization and “endless playability and progression,” this gruesomely gothic vision of hell is sure to keep players enthralled for ages.


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