Apple pushes iOS 14’s updated ad anti-tracking feature to 2021


“We are committed to ensuring users can choose whether or not they allow an app to track them,” the company said in a developer update it posted on Thursday. “To give developers time to make necessary changes, apps will be required to obtain permission to track users starting early next year.”

While the policy is likely to be a major benefit to users, it has been controversial among some developers and advertisers. In particular, Facebook has warned it could have dire effects on its ad network. In testing, the company said it saw a 50 percent decline in Audience Network publisher revenue when ad personalization wasn’t available as an option. The company went on to say the anti-tracking feature could make it so that it might not make sense for Facebook to offer the tool in iOS 14.

Apple also provided an update on another privacy-related feature. By the end of the year, developers will need to include a privacy information section on their App Store listings that detail how their software collects and stores user data. By the end of October, Apple will start accepting this information from developers.


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