Disney+ may stagger episodes of ‘The Mandalorian’ in Europe


The new Disney+ Twitter account for UK subscribers has tweeted a series of FAQs, including one that reveals the company’s plans for the show’s release:

It’s not clear if the episodes will be out for streaming weekly or if the company has another release schedule in mind. Based on the tweet’s wording, though, it sounds like the episodes will make their way to the platform bit by bit. In another FAQ tweet answering the question “Will content be in line with the US?,” the Disney+ UK account said the service will “premiere lots of content at the same time” as the US, but “there will be some variation in content between countries.” That will likely be the case for Disney+ in other regions, as well.

If the episodic release of The Mandalorian doesn’t deter you from signing up for an account, then you can mark March 24th on your calendar. The Disney+ app will be available for download in the UK, Spain, France and Italy that day.


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