Facebook is using AR to bring a massive mural to life


Down the road, the company plans to expand its “AR/T” program to other places in the US and abroad, as it looks to work with more local artists and developers on ways to put a technology twist on their art. “We feel really strongly about the value of the analog, like the materials,” Jessica Shaefer, head of public programming and partnerships at Facebook’s Art Department, told Engadget. She said these type of projects are about finding ways to integrate “the spirit and value of the handmade” through the Facebook Camera and AR, a technology the company sees as a big part of its future.

Beyond that, Shaefer said, Facebook wants to keep finding ways to connect local artists with their communities, particularly those who are part of programs like its Artists in Residence program. “This is a manifestation of what Facebook does, bringing people together in real life,” she said. “Facebook got us here, and the ultimate goal is convening.”

Facebook desperately needs positive PR to improve its damaged reputation. Gifting the Austin community a mural won’t make people forget about its data privacy problems, but it’s a start.


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