Facebook will pull its apps from Windows Phone on April 30th


Still, the departure of Facebook shouldn’t surprise many Windows Phone users, who are holding on to a device that is on its death knell. Microsoft announced it was officially killing off its Windows Phone business in 2016 following lackluster sales. It halted issuing security and software updates in December 2018. Major third-party apps have been fleeing the Microsoft Store since 2015.

But the few Windows Phone users left cling to their increasingly defunct devices with the gleefulness of a 30-year-old still using their student ID for movie discounts. People who use a Windows Phone in 2019 do it for many different reasons: some prefer their device’s camera to the latest offerings, others distrust Apple and Google’s track record with privacy. And some may prefer the underrated peace of owning a smartphone with fewer apps.

The active Windows Phone subreddit even has a weekly thread called “Is there an app for that?”, where users discuss alternatives to basic apps like Spotify or Facebook Messenger. Collaborative troubleshooting is a main pastime — maybe notifications have stopped working, or the phone eats up photo attachments. While nostalgia for the Windows Phone is real, even its most diehard users can’t ignore that their devices are no longer fulfilling the basic purpose of any smartphone: making their lives easier.


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