FBI reportedly uses a travel company’s data for worldwide surveillance


The travel data has also been used to catch people like alleged card scam site operator Alexei Burkov, according to Forbes.

Sabre hadn’t responded to requests for comment, while Kher’s counsel and the Justice Department declined comment.

Sabre isn’t the only travel data giant (Amadeus and Travelport are the other two), and it has had some time in the spotlight after helping the US retrace the paths of the 9/11 hijackers after their attack. However, this new report suggests Sabre has been used to actively watch suspects and known criminals.

It also points to significant privacy concerns. Companies like Sabre hold massive amounts of data that could be prone to abuse. That may already be happening — the FBI reportedly used the All Writs Act, the same controversial measure it tried to use to force Apple to hand over iPhone data, to request Kher’s information. The data isn’t very useful during the pandemic, but it could be problematic whenever normal travel resumes.


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