FCC ordered to provide IP addresses tied to fake net neutrality comments


The NYT reporters filed a Freedom of Information Request for the data after the FCC refused to show logs. In theory, they’ll show both the extent of fake commenting and help trace it back to groups that may have been involved. Investigations have suggested that over half of the comments are fake, and some of the comments appear linked to dark money groups determined to skew the political discussion.

The FCC hasn’t commented on the decision. However, it has a long history of fighting attempts to address the flawed net neutrality commenting process. In addition to trying to block log requests, it insisted its comment system had fallen prey to a cyberattack only to admit the attack never happened. It even rejected city governments’ requests in recent weeks to extend a commenting window. It won’t be surprising if the FCC contests this court ruling in a last-ditch bid to keep the comments’ origins a secret.


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