Google could soon face another antitrust investigation


Both Democrats and Republicans have expressed concerns that just a handful of companies control the internet and technology at large. Earlier this summer, a House antitrust subcommittee grilled executives from Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. In May, we learned that the Justice Department was considering an antitrust investigation into Google, and as far back as 2013, Google agreed to a settlement following a FTC antitrust investigation. The European Union has slapped Google with its own fines and violations.

In a statement, Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda said:

“Google’s services help people every day, create more choice for consumers, and support thousands of jobs and small businesses across the country. We continue to work constructively with regulators, including attorneys general, in answering questions about our business and the dynamic technology sector.”

While Congress seems committed to reigning in big tech, it appears unsure of exactly how to do so. It’s unclear why the attorneys general are investigating Google specifically, or if they’ll investigate Amazon, Apple or Facebook, too. We’ll have to wait for more details, expected on September 9th.


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