Google promises better search results for recipes, jobs and shopping


Google has also made improvements to the recipes card. “To make meal planning easier, we’re updating the recipes activity card to show you even more relevant recipes related to your query,” Search product manager InHan Kang wrote in a blog post. “So now when you search for chicken recipes, we’ll surface the related recipes you’ve recently visited and provide a thumbnail preview to make it easy to select the right one.”

These updates are rolling out today. If you’re not interested in seeing activity cards, you can turn off private results in your Search settings. You can also remove individual items that pop up on the recipe and product cards, and delete your job searches from the My Activity.

Elsewhere, you now have the option of sending audio messages via Google Assistant on Android phones solely using your voice. All you have to do is say, “Hey Google, send an audio message,” along with the name of the recipient and what you want to tell them. The feature is live in English-speaking countries, and in Brazil in Portuguese.


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