Indie dungeon-crawler ‘Below’ is coming to PS4 this spring


At the same time, Capy will add a new “explore” mode to the game that will let you experience Below‘s beautiful and atmospheric world without putting up with its sometimes crushing and tedious difficulty. You can see the full list of tweaks on Capy’s website, but having played the game, most of the changes make a lot of sense. For instance, explore mode removes one-hit deaths.

Capy says explore mode came out of listening to feedback from fans. “As time passed, one thing became resoundingly clear: people loved the brooding tone and melancholic atmosphere of the Isle, and we wanted to provide a way for players to experience that world without necessarily having to overcome the brutal test of endurance required to fully experience the world of Below,” the studio writes on its website.

If you’ve already played Below and enjoyed its excellent musical score, there’s one more bit of good news. Volume III of the game’s official soundtrack is now available to download. Indie Game: The Movie and Swords and Sworcery composer Jim Guthrie wrote the soundtrack. In some ways, it’s the best part of Below, and well worth checking out, even on its own.


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