Instacart workers go on strike after rejecting mild concessions


The service did say it had sourced hand sanitizer that would ship next week, but workers saw this as indicative of Instacart dragging its heels. Shoppers said they had been asking for sanitizer for “many, many weeks,” but the company was only now conceding to this demand.

We’ve asked Instacart for comment on the decision to continue with the strike.

It’s not certain how many workers are participating in the measure, but it might have a tangible impact. Instacart is already struggling to cope with the surge in demand from customers determined to avoid grocery store trips that could increase the risk of virus infections, and losing even some of those workers to a strike could exacerbate the situation. The question is whether or not the impact will prompt further changes, especially when Instacart has upward of 300,000 new workers on the way.


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