iOS 14 may let you run app snippets to complete tasks


Don’t like downloading entire iOS apps just so that you can use them once or twice? You might not have to in the future. The 9to5Mac team is continuing its string of claimed iOS 14 leaks with word that Apple’s new software could let you run small parts of apps to accomplish tasks when the full app isn’t installed. The “Clips” framework (not to be confused with Apple’s Clips video tool) would react to certain actions, such as scanning a QR code, by bringing up a card with just enough of an app’s native interface to play a video, book a restaurant or otherwise get things done. In theory, this should be more elegant than pointing you to the App Store or a website.

If this sounds familiar, it should. Google has had features like Instant Apps and Slices for a while, although those have so far been focused more on areas like app test drives and context-sensitive shortcuts. It’s not certain just how widely available Clips would be (the rumored iOS 14 build only references QR codes), but it wouldn’t be surprising if they were used in search results or Siri.


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