Lyft details how it’s going to make self-driving cars safer


Lyft also explains that it conducts different kinds of tests to ensure the safety of its technology, including simulations, closed-course testing and on-road operations. At this point, the vehicles already being tested on the road have human operators and co-pilots onboard and are focused on collecting data and metrics.

Finally, Lyft says it shares best practices with the industry “to create a system that is safe, effective, and transparent.” It’s a member of the Automated Vehicle Safety Consortium — other members include Uber, Ford and GM — that aims to create best practices for collecting metrics in an effort to further safety of self-driving vehicles. Lyft is also a founding member of the Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets, which works with lawmakers, regulators and the public “to realize the safety and societal benefits of fully self-driving vehicles.”


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