Microsoft will end support for Windows 10 Mobile Office apps in 2021


“Because of the lack of security updates, we strongly recommend that if you wish to use Office on a phone you transition to the latest Microsoft Office apps on an iOS or Android phone,” Bill Doll, senior product marketing manager for Office apps strategy at Microsoft urged.

The announcement isn’t a huge surprise. Windows 10 Mobile was a commercial flop and it’s been years since Microsoft released a new Lumia smartphone. The platform is slowly being retired and that, inevitably, includes any Microsoft-made apps. If you’re still clinging to a Lumia 950, though, you have another year-or-so to poke around the Office apps and imagine what could have been. Personally, we’re ready to move on and embrace Microsoft’s dual-screen, Android-powered mobile future. We’ll miss some of the platform’s crazier ideas, like Continuum — a concept Samsung is keeping alive — but very little else. Goodbye, old friend.


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