Movies Anywhere will let you share purchases with friends


Screen Pass will let users share up to three films per month. Recipients will have a week to accept the film, 14 days to start it and 72 hours to finish it. There aren’t any limits on how many times you can share a film, but not every title in the Movies Anywhere catalogue is eligible. That depends, in part, on the studios — Movies Anywhere doesn’t have films from Paramount, Lionsgate or MGM. Still, Screen Pass will make it possible to share over 6,000 films.

For now, Screen Pass will be a closed beta, launching later today. An open beta is planned for May, and the full launch is expected later this year. Even if you don’t make it into the betas, you’ll be able to receive and watch movies shared by Screen Pass users.

This could be bad news for movie theaters, which are being impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to people sharing more movies at home, Universal is now releasing movies in theaters and at home on the same day. Movie studios have been considering this for years, and the need to keep a healthy social distance may finally push studios to get onboard.


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