National Science Foundation unveils plan to boost home device security


As the team notes, smart home devices in houses, assisted-living facilities and elsewhere can offer convenience, improved energy efficiency, better security and a host of other benefits. However design flaws and poor initial configurations (think bad default passwords) “can create unsafe conditions and increase risk of harm to people and property,” according to SPLICE’s press release.

SPLICE intends to develop a toolkit designed to identify so-called non-cooperative smart devices to help users understand how their home tech works. It also plans to shift away from a privacy model that forces unsophisticated consumers to figure out how (and why) to secure specific devices. Finally, the group will identify “privacy issues in smart homes that must be addressed to advance consumer trust” — in other words, figure out exactly why people are so (rightfully) wary of IoT tech.

SPLICE plans to develop prototype products that integrate new technology developed during the project. It will also create an advisory council to provide guidance on best practices and potential problems in the future. Finally, it’s developing programs aimed at encouraging underrepresented groups to pursue careers in computing. The research program will kick off on October 1st, 2020.


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