Olympus’ E-M10 Mark II camera and kit lens is just $299 at Adorama


If you’re eager to jump into the world of mirrorless photography but have shied away due to the prices, Adorama might have the deal you need. It’s offering the Olympus O-MD E-M10 Mark II Micro Four Thirds mirrorless camera, complete with an M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II R lens for just $299, less than half the regular price.

While it’s not the latest E-M10 model (that would be the Mark III), it was pretty advanced for its time and offers features still not available on cameras twice that price. That includes a 16-megapixel sensor, tilting display, 2.36-million-dot electronic viewfinder, 8.5 fps shooting speeds and most importantly, five-axis in-body stabilization. The latter feature helps you take pictures in low light without blur, and while it can also be found on other cameras including the E-M10 Mark III, that camera costs over twice as much.


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