‘OurMine’ group hijacks Twitter accounts for Olympics and FC Barcelona


The social network said it locked down the accounts and was “working closely” with partners to restore them. The International Olympic Committee said it was “investigating a potential breach” into the accounts, while FC Barcelona said it would run a “cybersecurity audit” that included reviewing its “protocols and links with third-party tools.”

These aren’t the group’s first sports account hijacks in recent memory. In January, OurMine compromised the accounts of multiple NFL teams, including 49ers and Chiefs, just ahead of the Super Bowl. They are some of the most prominent, however, and echo a familiar pattern: the perpetrators are hoping to seize on hot topics to grab the spotlight for a brief moment.

Such attacks might continue for a while. OurMine is believed to be located in Saudi Arabia, and has so far remained elusive. And while Twitter has bolstered its security in the past, it can’t control third-party apps or outside employees.


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