PC shipments see their largest drop in four years due to COVID-19


Many suspected PC shipments would take a hit from the COVID-19 pandemic, but now it’s clearer as to what the damage was. Canalys estimates that computer shipments fell a steep 8 percent year-over-year in the first quarter of 2020 as Chinese factories stayed shut for a while after the Lunar New Year. Intel chip shortages from a rough transition to 10-nanometer manufacturing didn’t help, either. The decline was the steepest since the start of 2016, when Canalys recorded a 12 percent plunge.

Apple was the hardest hit among the top five, with shipments tumbling 21 percent compared to the start of 2019. However, everyone but Dell (which saw a 1.1 percent growth) was suffering, with HP and Acer seeing drop over 10 percent. Even frontrunner Lenovo saw shipments drop 4.4 percent.


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