Russian law could force Apple to cut App Store fee to 20 percent


A Russian lawmaker has proposed a bill that would see all app store transactions capped at 20 percent,  down from the usual 30 percent. Reuters is reporting that Fedot Tumusov, a member of the State Duma, Russia’s lower house in its parliament, has tabled the law. At the same time, it would mandate that a third of the app store commission would be paid to the government as part of a fund to train people in IT.

Apple, Google, Valve and other companies that run software stores have a fairly common practice of taking a 30 percent cut from each transaction. This has become an increasingly-contentious issue, especially with Apple, as more developers and regulators complain that it is unfair. Discussion about the rules, in both the US and Europe, with strong backing from rival software companies like Epic, will continue to rumble.


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