San Francisco is officially the first US city to ban e-cigarette sales


The passing no doubt causes grief for many e-cigarette companies, but it’s a particularly serious blow to Juul, which now faces a ban in its home town just days after it bought a 28-floor office tower. The company is already campaigning for an option on the November ballot to reverse the ban, and has claimed that the law “puts politics before public health.” It wants “responsible policymaking” that helps prevent youth vaping without denying access to adults.

It won’t get much sympathy from officials. While Juul and other brands have made efforts to curb youth access to e-cigarettes, Breed and others (including the FDA) have accused them of deliberately targeting younger audiences. They don’t want to repeat the years-long battles over conventional cigarette marketing, especially not at a time when the potential danger of e-cigs is still a major concern.


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