Square Enix’s 54-game charity bundle includes Eidos and Ion Storm classics


Need an incentive to stay at home during the pandemic? How about a months-long game backlog that includes some classics? Square Enix is happy to oblige. The publisher has released a Square Enix Eidos Anthology on Steam that bundles 54 Eidos games for $39, with all of the profits going to North American and European charities like food banks. It does’t include absolutely everything under the Eidos badge, but some legendary game franchises are well-represented.

It won’t surprise you to hear that most of the Tomb Raider series is here, ranging from the very first title through to Rise of the Tomb Raider (sorry, you’ll have to buy Shadow of the Tomb Raider separately). Deus Ex is included up to the Director’s Cut for Human Revolution, and fans of wanton destruction will be happy that the first three Just Cause games are here. At the same time, you can revisit the classic stealth action of the Thief series (we’d focus on the originals rather than the reboot) or the vampiric exploits of the Legacy of Kain saga.


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