Superbrothers’ first game in nine years takes you to outer space


Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP came out nearly a decade ago but its mix of eerie music, minimalistic graphics and heartbreaking story made a huge impact on players. Since then the developer has been working on a new title, and during today’s PlayStation 5 event the curtain was finally pulled back to reveal JETT: The Far Shore.

While Sword & Sworcery found you battling strange energy beings in a forest, JETT takes us to the stars and alien worlds. We’ll follow a scout named Mei as she leaves her dying civilization for space and, after a millennia, arrives on other planets to study them for potential colonization. Of course, since this is Superbrothers it’ll probably be more complicated than just simply planting a flag and building a new colony — there’s a mysterious transmission to investigate, as well as avoiding those who would try to stop you. The game is co-developed by a new studio named Pine Scented, with music by Scntfc. We’ll find out more when JETT: The Far Shore is released at the end of this year. 


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