T-Mobile asks California to soften 5G, job conditions for Sprint merger


T-Mobile is hoping to ease some of the conditions it agreed to for its merger with Sprint. The carrier has asked California’s Public Utilities Commission to roll back three main requirements. It wants the CPUC to delay 5G coverage and speed targets for 2024 by two years, to use FCC testing for commitments instead of a new system and to eliminate a requirement that it adds 1,000 full-time jobs. Not surprisingly, it pins the requested job changes on the COVID-19 pandemic — it may have “long-term effects” on companies like T-Mobile, according to the carrier’s request.

It added that the coverage and speed goals were “out of sync” with each other and weren’t “feasible,” such as tripling speeds from 100Mbps in 2023 to 300Mbps a year later. For testing, T-Mobile maintained that it was already subject to two independent tests and that a third would be “burdensome.”


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